It’s great to hear feedback from others who have enjoyed previous challenges. Here’s what a few have said:

There are so many things in my life, I am thankful for great people, great horses and joining Ride Strong.

I enjoy to work on fitness and health. But was struggling while I was away in Arizona this winter.
So I joined the Ride Strong group. It is much more than exercise. It is emotional and physical support. Ride Strong helped me find balance while I was away and calmed my anxiety about travelling home during Covid times. It gave me purpose and something to look forward to. Each time I read a members post I feel warmth and a sense of belonging.

Pam Hebner is awesome and all lady’s need to jump at the chance to join this supportive group.

Ride Strong is my go to Facebook group. It makes me feel better and puts a smile on my face. I highly recommend it.

Pam has helped me so much on a journey of self discovery through fitness! I’ve learned so much about myself and what I’m actually capable of both mentally and physically while chasing fitness goals with Pam’s support! I love the added accountability of the group setting and there is nothing better than seeing a group of women supporting each other and encouraging one another to be their best self!

Ride Strong has been the support group I didn’t know I needed.   Pam has brought like-minded people together to share fitness, lifestyle and horse journeys which helps keep us all motivated and accountable.    This group is positive, uplifting and judgement free and we can all use more of that.  

I just love this group, so glad I joined when a good friend told me about it❤️  I am 53 and have had surgeries from
Accidents ( not horse related) 😂 so in 4 years I went from 120 pounds to 185 pounds and have to wear a big brace on my knee when I ride and do some workouts, I went from being a very fit and very active person to just scared, I was scared to ride by myself, well 2 weeks into this group I am riding by myself feeling pretty brave and working out everyday, some days just yoga and stretching, other days spin class or the gym or walking, but I have been committing to this and my life has changed in just two weeks , I got my passion for horses back, I have lost a few pounds and feel better about myself ❤❤️ This group makes me accountable which is what I needed!!

Being on a journey to a healthier, better version of myself,  I took my next step and joined a group that Pam had started “ Ride Strong” I had my nutrition heading in the right direction but often found I did not make the time or effort to exercise and ride my horse as often as I should, having this fabulous group of like minded and inspirational ladies has helped me step up my game and put in the time!!!Having the accountability and support from this group is helping me show up for myself , not wanting to let myself  or them down and knowing these other great ladies are just as busy as me and are still getting it done pushes me to get it done too!!Pam is there every step of the way , cheering us on, giving us guidance and her support  the whole way-  Reaching goals and loving  this group of amazing horse crazy and motivated ladies!!! I look forward to Pam’s uplifting messages and advice she shares  with us everyday!

I’ve always been a very active person. But when it comes to giving myself the time in a day to “exercise” and show up for myself I always had “no time”. Then I joined the ride strong group and I started making the time. I started doing the work and with the help of an encouraging environment to help hold me accountable I started showing up for myself, day after day. It may have started with being driven to win prizes but the real prize Is the self discipline I’ve gained and the support from a community who are all doing their best to better themselves. I’m so thankful to be a part of ride strong, and feel the benefits this group has to offer.  Prizes or not. It is SO worth it.

I hadn’t seen Pam  for quite a while but  we re-connected  a couple of years ago after I read about her success with a nutrition program she had found. The honesty and results that she posted about intrigued me. Pam answered my questions and encouraged me to join.  This program turned out to be life changing for me.  While initially I was asking nutrition questions of Pam it soon became so much more.  Pam is a wealth of knowledge in many areas and is more than happy to share it. But what I enjoy most is her ability to put people at ease with where they are and find a path to where they want to be. She can put a positive spin on any situation.  

-You stubbed your toe and fell off the wagon (whether it is exercise, nutrition, whatever)?  No worries, pick yourself up and start again.  

-Your struggling?  What’s happening?  How can we fix this? 

There is no judgement!  She wants to see everyone succeed.  And that  is so refreshing and addictive!  Her brutal honesty  and openness when she talks about her own life let’s you know we are all in this thing called life together. Let’s build each other up and revel in each other’s accomplishments.    I truly believe Pam has found her calling – coaching others!  For me an accountability group for fitness and horses together is a win-win situation. I will be  forever grateful to have reconnected and found  her “tribe”.  You won’t regret joining her either!