Hey There!

My name is Pam Hebner.

Welcome to Ride Strong with Pam. I am so happy you are here. I am going to tell you about myself and about Ride Strong.

I have been committed to my own wellness and fitness journey for several years now.

I have had many years of struggle during my life. Divorce, then after that having my first child with a different man I was not married to, and a roller coaster with depression through it all. I numbed myself with food, drinking alcohol, and smoking cigarettes.

Years later, I had found a happy marriage and everything that went with it. Fabulous husband, kids, a nice place to live, my horses. Everything I could have wanted. But there was something missing still. That something was me.

So, I made a decision to create change for myself and that kick started it all to the woman you see today. Starting was not easy. But it’s been 10000% worth it over and over again. My why for it all has evolved over time. At the beginning, my biggest “why” was to be able to stay with my horse in a turn and not be tossed over the front end like a rag doll. You need some strength for that and I wanted it.

Along the journey to a healthy me is where I found my passion and my gift as an Accountability Coach and Master Motivator. I love to help others go from feeling discouraged to empowered so that they can reach their goals.

I am an individual who has a passion for horses, riding, barrel racing, fitness, helping others to create healthy habits in a positive environment, and motivating them to be their best.

I don’t have time to travel to a gym every day. So my fitness is at home, with cheap items I have collected to workout with, free workout apps, youtube and Pinterest workouts. Accompanied by the drive to show up every day.

Through my own experiences, I have learned that moving my body and being committed to daily physical activities has enhanced my riding skills greatly.

Everything I share is based solely on my own personal experience.

So mix all that together and I came up with this idea of Ride Strong. Accountability challenges for horse people who want to Ride Strong.

The format is similar to jackpots/competitions. You pay your fees to participate, a portion of the fees goes to the pot for prizes or cash payout and a portion goes to myself the host. ALL fitness levels are welcome, as it is so important to only do what your body is capable of.

In the challenges, we have a positive environment, accountability, motivation. The list goes on. It’s a fabulous place to be, and to keep you on your to do list.

So join me on your journey to Ride Strong